A Chicken in Every Pot...
In 1928 Herbert Hoover came up with a clever slogan that captured the ideal of comfort and security for our nation...."a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage". This was a time when people had a greater understanding of what it takes to actually put a chicken in a pot! I will admit, that before raising our pasture raised red broilers, I didn't fully appreciate what that actually meant. Like many of you, I picked out my birds from the grocer that had oversized breast meat and pale dark meat. That defined "chicken".
Raising these birds has been a labor of love- mainly because we are incrementally developing our farm- and thus some of our "systems" aren't yet the epitome of efficiency. For example, as our irrigation system isn't yet up and running, we are hauling water! It doesn't take too many days of doing that twice a day to appreciate some of the attributes of the new-fangled watering systems. But........ priorities!
The birds have grown very well on the pasture- and the results of th​​e fertilizer have
been fantastic. The system has worked well. Adam is getting quite good at using his scythe. The goats and laying flock have enjoyed the freshly mown hay, the pasture poultry have scoured the pasture for insects and grown very well on the locally sourced grain diet of peas, lentils, wheat, flax, millet, and barley. No chemicals on the land or in these birds- they're lovely, naturally grown chickens that would have graced your Granny's table. For many- it's what chicken is supposed to taste like.
On June 17th we are going to process our birds. They will be available for farm pick up at a price of $5 per pound on Friday, June 19th. I will also be heading to Vancouver on that day and up to Olympia in the evening. They will be frozen for easy transport. We have limited quantities so shoot me an e-mail to reserve yours today and coordinate the poultry hand-off.
We all know that we have choices in what we eat. Consider purchasing food from your local farmer- food that has been taken care of properly. You'll taste the difference!