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Spring Festival & Craft Fair

For many small farms, especially those just starting out- it is difficult to 'get the

Seedpod Farm Marketing_edited

word out' about the products you have available. Marketing is very time consuming- and there are few avenues that allow you to make your presence known and connect with the public that aren't really time intensive or expensive to access.

Looking around, we couldn't find something that would allow us to market, but also connect with other farmers. So, Adam and I have decided to offer our hospitatlity to our fellow producers by hosting a festival at our farm that is a targeted marketing opportunity for us all.

Mark your calendars to join us at Seedpod Farm on

Saturday, April 25th from 9AM-3PM

for our Spring Festival & Craft Fair!

We are excited to announce this unique opportunity for producers and vendors in the area to connect with each other and the public- providing a preview of the products and services available for the 2015 season.

Check out our flyer and registration form HERE More to come in the weeks ahead......

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