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Lasagna Anyone?

I don't know where I got it in my head that there was an "off-season" when it

Seedpod Farm Lasagna Gardening

comes to farming. It seems that the second the clock struck midnight on 1-1-15, my mind began to organize the timeline of events for the upcoming season. The temperate weather has put me in the mood to get my hands dirty as well. Perhaps it would be different if there was snow on the ground. Regardless, I am thankful for the time as homeschooling three kiddos doesn't afford much uninterrupted work time on the farm.

Tagging on the "no-till" gardening idea, we're trying the ever popular "lasagna method". It's simple- Pick a plot, cover with newsprint, cover with compost, wait. As such, I've put the word out to friends to pass along their newspapers. Strangely enough- my husband and I have enjoyed reading outdated versions of The Wall Street Journal from 2011. Perhaps that's why this method is taking so long to complete the patch!

We hope that this strategy will pay off this year and save us some time in the long-run. It is time consuming though- so may not be a viable option in the future. Then again, as the kids grow to be better workers, those extra hands will make lighter labor. This year beginning the work time with the phrase "Lasagna Anyone?!?" didn't exactly encourage participation. ;-).

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